Friday, February 4, 2011

It's my party but I won't cry (even if I want to)

I don't usually post about myself (because face it... I am really not that interesting) buuut since it's my birthday and I can cry if I want to aaaand since its my blog, i figured what the heck, I will! I'm now 21 and legal all over the globe (I think); nothing can stop me now!

Celebrations and more celebrations obviously are all in store for today:
Stop number 1 - lunch at the pub! (yes, I go to my working place for my birthday, thats how much I love it - and that is not an irony)
Stop number 2 - Pizza Hut with my favorite people in the world for stuffed crust pizza (sorry all my "pizza purist" readers). I learned with my roomate and my mother that there is never ever too much cheese in a pizza...always stuff it wherever you can! The more the merrier.
All lovely ladies, and a guy!
Even my mom flew in from the warm south to celebrate (she only did it for the cheese crust)
I just liked this picture

Obviously, because I never bypass a good baking opportunity - I cooked up some cupcakes for desert during the weekends. These were definitely my most complex attempt at fulfilling my baker alter-ego: dark chocolate cupcakes with salty caramel filling and chocolate frosting - all baked from scratch (including the caramel, which, mid you, I had no idea what I was doing). May I just say they turned out amazing. I got my taste-testers (hem hem...and myself) to give a couple a try before the big day and they were a big big hit. Definetly worth a shot if you have the time, patience and courage to go for it! Here is the Recipe (search for Chocolate salted-caramel mini cupcakes).

I'll let my lack of captions speak for itself...
Cupcakes AND brigadeiros (that I'll devote a whole other post to)

The next big event is a party... but thats not till the weekend! So ta ta for now my lovelays...