Friday, February 4, 2011

It's my party but I won't cry (even if I want to)

I don't usually post about myself (because face it... I am really not that interesting) buuut since it's my birthday and I can cry if I want to aaaand since its my blog, i figured what the heck, I will! I'm now 21 and legal all over the globe (I think); nothing can stop me now!

Celebrations and more celebrations obviously are all in store for today:
Stop number 1 - lunch at the pub! (yes, I go to my working place for my birthday, thats how much I love it - and that is not an irony)
Stop number 2 - Pizza Hut with my favorite people in the world for stuffed crust pizza (sorry all my "pizza purist" readers). I learned with my roomate and my mother that there is never ever too much cheese in a pizza...always stuff it wherever you can! The more the merrier.
All lovely ladies, and a guy!
Even my mom flew in from the warm south to celebrate (she only did it for the cheese crust)
I just liked this picture

Obviously, because I never bypass a good baking opportunity - I cooked up some cupcakes for desert during the weekends. These were definitely my most complex attempt at fulfilling my baker alter-ego: dark chocolate cupcakes with salty caramel filling and chocolate frosting - all baked from scratch (including the caramel, which, mid you, I had no idea what I was doing). May I just say they turned out amazing. I got my taste-testers (hem hem...and myself) to give a couple a try before the big day and they were a big big hit. Definetly worth a shot if you have the time, patience and courage to go for it! Here is the Recipe (search for Chocolate salted-caramel mini cupcakes).

I'll let my lack of captions speak for itself...
Cupcakes AND brigadeiros (that I'll devote a whole other post to)

The next big event is a party... but thats not till the weekend! So ta ta for now my lovelays...

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

My heart is always down south... but its coming up north!

Oh life life.... always getting on the way of my posting!
I'm back to good old sauga yet again and no posts on Rio to warm my dear readers up. Unforgivable! (not really, you'll forgive me because you know you love me!). Thing is, I din't spend much of my time in Rio per-se. I ended up going to Club Med for the end-of-year festivities, which took up a lot of my very limited time at home (for a very good cause though: 24/7 open bar, restaurant, and beach resort for 7 days, need I say more? Hangover heaven). 

However, I promise some more excitement for you this year! 2011, new year, new life, new JOB!!! No, I didn't give up my proud position as a waitress at the UTM blind duck pub, but I did get a new, great internship! I can now just as proudly say I am a fashion Intern at Ukamaku. They are an online fashion store and community that specializes in Canadian designers. Finally someone willing to help to push Canadian fashion out and about and I am a part of it! They have some amazing designers I haven't even heard of before (hem hem  hence why Canadian fashion needs a push) signed up like Zoran Dobric and Psalms 91:1 accessories.
 Zoran Dobric

So stay tuned for my next adventures folks, I promise they'll be good!